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Study on the international activity level of companies form Mazovia

Strengthening our position in research and consulting in the scope of internalization of the companies in 2014, we completed the „Study on the International activity level of companies from Mazovia – identification of non-export companies potential” project.

The project was run on behalf of Mazovia Voivodeship and was a part of the “Development of the of  the monitoring and evaluation system for  the implementation of the basics regional innovation strategy for Mazovia” system project. The project involved among other things: quantitative study involving export and non-export companies form Mazovia, the analysis of the study results and experts panel with presentation of the results.

The report on the study includes a detailed analysis of Mazovian export and recommendation on the opportunities to increase the entrepreneurs’ involvement from Mazovia in the International economic activity and strengthening their pro export attitude.
Full version of the report available HERE