Communication strategy for Polish tourism
Polish Tourism Organization
How to reach tourists from Germany, UK and France with our touristic offer? Our task was to formulate strategy of promotional activities to be carried out by Polish Tourism Organization on selected markets abroad.
In 2010 Polish Tourism Organization hired AGERON Polska and AGERON Internacional to prepare a report ‘Communication strategy on British, German and French markets’ based on analysis of secondary data (desk research) completed with research of the above mentioned markets.
Report provided basis for formulating and implementing multimedia campaigns on British, German and French markets in the years 2011-2012. Communication strategy will be carried out within Action 6.3 ‘Promotion of touristic values of Poland’ (priority axis 6 Polish economy on international market – Innovative Economy Operational Programme 2007-2013). Planned campaigns aim mainly at building and strengthening image of Poland on selected target markets as a country which is attractive, open for tourists, modern, safe and fulfilling European standards. Campaign is expected to result in increase of interest in Poland, translating into increase of tourism from these markets.
Strategy consists of two parts – diagnostic and strategic. Within the diagnostic part we carried out strategic analysis of Polish tourism sector, competition environment and potential consumers of Polish touristic product, mainly in the context of three countries which are target markets for planned campaign.
Report from diagnostic part: