Mazovia EE&RES Cluster strategy for acquiring new members
How to develop a young cluster organization and in what direction? How to optimize efforts to attract new members to the cluster structures? AGERON Polska supports Mazovia Cluster of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources in the development process.
Mazovia Cluster for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources is a young organization in the seed stage of the operation. In the fall of 2013, after less than a year after the initiation of activity, the cluster faced important challenges and dilemmas of development: in which direction should the cluster develop? What is the optimal number of cluster members? What type of companies to acquire to the cluster? Which other new members should be joining forces with the cluster? What channels and promotion tools will be most effective in communicating cluster’s mission to the target groups?
Continuing research and advisory specialization, AGERON Polska, on behalf of the Mazovia Energy Agency, supported cluster in creating vision of its future by preparing Strategy to attract new members to the Mazovia EE&RES Cluster aiming at further development.
In the first stage, we made a comprehensive diagnosis of the functioning of the cluster, its resources, strengths and weaknesses. We have identified existing barriers, development potential and deficits. On this basis, we developed a preliminary development scenarios and model of cluster’s recruitment policy.
Our proposals were consulted with representatives of member entities of the cluster at a meeting in Warsaw. Using workshop techniques and consultation groups final solutions have been worked out and included in the Strategy document, forming the horizon of cluster development in the medium term. Added value to the workshop was to initiate a broader debate, exchange of visions, opinions and experiences between members of the cluster, thus enhancing its internal processes of networking.