Polish Economy Brand
AGERON presented Polish Economy Brand – visual concept for widely understood programme of promoting Polish economy. This initiative aims at promoting Polish products and Polish entrepreneurs on the foreign markets and as a result building positive image of whole Polish economy.
In order to better understand how Poland can distinguish itself, we carried out wide international image research for the Ministry of Economy.
What is Poland associated with abroad? What are strengths of Polish economy? Is Poland attractive place for business cooperation? These are the questions we asked entrepreneurs from:
- 9 countries
- 900 companies included in the focus research
- 9000 entrepreneurs included in phone interviews
Research’ aim was to determine what is thought about Poland in other countries, what it is associated with. Based on research results leading idea was picked up. People are the most precious and recognizable value of Poland. To put it in other words, the biggest advantage, strength of Poland is Poles’ talent. If we, people, are the biggest asset in the business world, we have to proudly represent the Brand as its ambassadors. Until now we have been doing it unconsciously, now we can start doing it with more confidence – explains Michal Zielinski, Managing Director of AGERON Polska.
Based on image research we created Polish Economy Brand, which reflects how Poland and Polish economy are perceived. In order to express the Brand we also designed a logo, which is exceptional and makes you think, surely cannot be missed.
Polish Economy Brand was created within the project ‘Carrying out image research of Poland and Polish economy in the countries of main business partners and formulating a concept of visualization of Polish economy’s promotional programme.
Project was carried out by consortium of AGERON Polska and AGERON Internacional in cooperation with experts from Bloom Consulting. Project was a part of a system project entitled ‘Promoting Polish economy on the international markets’ realized by the Ministry of Economy within Innovative Economy Operational Programme – sub-action 6.5.1.
Book of Polish Economy Brand: http://www.mg.gov.pl/Fundusze+UE/POIG/Marka+Polskiej+Gospodarki/Ksiega+Marki+Polskiej+Gospodarki
Reports from image research: http://www.mg.gov.pl/Fundusze+UE/POIG/Marka+Polskiej+Gospodarki/Badania+wizerunkowe