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Economic Development Strategy with a Plan of Investment Areas Development and Investors Attraction for the Functional Area of Leszno Agglomeration

The strategy prepared for the Functional Area of Leszno Agglomeration is another project of this type elaborated by our company. It was undertaken on behalf of Leszno City Council.

The project focused on the economic development of the Agglomeration composed by 10 local governments. We carried out an extensive and detailed analysis of economic development conditions on the basis of which we designed the Economic Development Strategy, the Plan of Investment AreasDevelopment and a promotion plan for these areas.

The analysis of the economic development conditions included elements such as: environmental factors, infrastructure, community, tourism and regional economy and its environment. As a part of the analysis, we carried out an audit of investment areas in order to determine the most attractive ones considering investment. The assessment was done using desk-research method as well as surveys among entrepreneurs and individual in-depth interviewes with the biggest companies and local authorities.

The Plan of Economic Development was another part of the analysis. We identified the key sectors with development potential in the Agglomeration and strategic goals adjusted to local conditions. Also, we designed detailed project fiches and a proposed schedule of their application. The Plan of Investment Areas Development, with a spatial division of economic functions in the region presented in a graphic way and a precise reference of projects included in The Plan of Economic Development to particular investment areas were also designed. In addition to these, we created a functional model of Investor Assistance Centre.

The promotion part of the strategy included the Promotion Plan of Investment Areas, which specifies actions that are to promote the investment areas available in the Agglomeration. It involves elements such as a general outline of promotional activities, target groups and promotion instruments.