118A Niepodleglości Ave.
02-577 Warsaw
Tel: +48 226 470 227
Fax: +48 226 470 203
Companies details:
AGERON Polska Sp. z o.o.
Registered office/correspondence address:
118A Niepodleglości Ave.
02-577 Warsaw
The District Court in Warsaw,
13th Commercial Division of the
National Court Register under
No. 0000522457,
Taxpayer Identification No.
NIP 5213678349,
REGON number 147401417
Share capital: PLN 64 000
AGERON Polska Michał Zieliński
Registered office:
Dąbrowskiego 84b/21 Str.
02-571 Warsaw
Correspondence address:
118A Niepodleglości Ave.
02-577 Warsaw
NIP: 5212929648
REGON: 015444120