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Włocławek – delimitation of urban functional areas

The Research and Strategy team of Ageron Polska is running the ”Delimitation of urban functional areas for Wloclawek and their support through planning and strategic documents preparation ” project.

The main aim of the functional areas integration is to change the city management perspective focused on administrative area into the management perspective in the context of its functional area. This shift is crucial in terms of the need for activities integration, whose effects go beyond administrative boundaries of individual districts. The following activities may serve as an example: land use planning, infrastructural development, local labor market development.

In terms of the above mentioned ideas, The District and the City of Wloclawek together with its partner districts joined the “Delimitation of urban functional areas for Wloclawek and their support through planning and strategic documents preparation ” project. The main focus of the program is to establish an integrated approach to development directions that could meet the needs of sustainable potential and the needs of the area examined.

The project covers the preparation of four reports by the Research and Strategy team of Ageron Polska: “Delimitation of the functional area of Wloclawek”, “The analysis of labor market of Wloclawek and its functional area and perspective branches in the city development”, “Communication study for Wloclawek city and its functional area”, and “ Development strategy for the functional area of Wloclawek city for 2014-2020”.