Researching level of service provided to deaf/deaf and blind by Polish offices
We are carrying out research entitled “Knowledge among officials about duties connected with the regulation about sign language and other forms of communication” for the Human Rights Defender.
Regulation about sign language and other forms of communication was approved in August 2011. It aimed at codification of conveniences offered by the public administration organs to deaf and deaf and blind. As a result of many complaints coming from deaf and deaf and blind concerning breaching these regulation’s provisions, Human Rights Defender decided to have research carried out diagnosing real state of its implementation.
Research is carried out based on two research methods: survey Mystery Caller and IDI. Mystery Caller survey aims at researching declared level of service received by deaf and deaf and blind in the offices. Researcher is impersonating husband or wife of a handicapped person and asks for presenting legal procedures and existing possibilities provided in the offices. Applying IDI allows us to identify reasons for earlier diagnosed stage of implementation of regulation and carry out deeper analysis of procedures applying in selected offices.
Research was completed in November.